Thursday, August 11, 2016

Soft Opening

On the soft opening of TrèFemi I created a sensual 3 course menu.

Pictured here are the 1st and 3rd courses.

The main course was;

Aged Wagyu Chuck Eye steak topped with herb butter sautéed Argentine Red shrimp drizzled with a homemade Hickory and Brown Sugar cream sauce accompanied by duck fat roasted onions and potatoes. Paired with a exquisitely delectable Granaro Chiarieri.

The 1st course I have created;

A deconstructed arugula salad.

Arugula spaghetti with fresh mozzarella, tomato slice and topped with a fig chili balsamic caviar garnished with Black Cyprus sea salt.

For the 3rd course;

A beautiful dessert course..
Sliced and fanned Extra large Special Edition strawberries with Wyke Farms, Ivy's Vintage Reserve Cheddar shards topped with honey balsamic caviar and drizzled with a pomegranate reduction.

As the ideas flow I will create and post pictures and build the menu.

I am also working on the app as well so be looking out for that.

- Posted by the Chef De Cuisine 😎🍝

Sent from my Amazing iPhone 6 Plus!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Welcome to TrèFemi!

On this blog I will display beautiful modernist dishes inspired by my family and requested by friends. I will eventually treat this as a true Chef's Table where I will have a 3 to 5 course menu and open it to invitation only....BUT at no cost (most places you will pay $75-$250 or higher a plate).

Different from the sister blog, "Chef Table, Cajun Style" I will not post the recipes here, just the many dishes offered. I will however open it up for dish requests and see what will make the cut to become a signature dish and the requester will get the honor of it being named after them. 

Please click the link to join and leave your comments, this will allow the blog to grow in the direction the readers desire to see it grow.

Chef De Cuisine

Mission Statement

We have a passion to serve intimate dishes. We are committed to using the finest ingredients in our recipes. No food leaves our kitchen that we ourselves would not eat.


Femi is Egyptian meaning “Love” and the dishes served at the Chef’s Table are from the heart and soul radiating Love and creating an intimate fine dining experience for parties of 2-6 diners. Cooked with passion and the finest of ingredients, we envelope our diners in a romantic and intimate dining experience. This restaurant prides itself on its menu being fresh, exciting and bold with the food being prepared in a simple manner in order to satisfy our diners' heart and soul.


Create dining experiences that titillate the mind and arouse the senses of our diners through beautiful dishes.